Saturday, February 15, 2014

National Gumdrop Day - Feb. 15th; Chef Tiffany Derry

Chef Tiffany Derry
She got her start working at IHOP when she was only 15 and was in management by 17. Derry is a Texas native, and has appeared on Top Chef. She works as a restaurant consultant, appearing on Hungry Investors, and is a spokesperson for the Art Institute's Culinary Arts Program; she has taught in the Dallas Culinary School.

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February 15th is Gumdrop Day! Made with gelatin or fruit pectin, they are very similar to Turkish delight (which has been around since the 1700s). Honestly, looking at recipes online (there are none in my family cookbook, or in any of the recipes I have from my grandmothers), it doesn't look all that complicated, and might be a fun thing to try with kids (adults supervision required, because of boiling liquids). I found an Instructable that uses grape juice (and fruit pectin), and Bakerella makes them, too (with gelatin)!

Adding a contemporary recipe to your cookbook probably means that it hasn't had generations of taste-testing. But if you find a recipe and make it your own, with your own experimentation, why shouldn't you include it? Every recipe was new at one time!

Available at Amazon.

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