Sunday, February 23, 2014

National Banana Bread Day - Feb. 23rd; Chef Sylvia Woods

Chef Sylvia Woods
Woods was a restauranteur whose landmark Sylvia's still serves soul food in Harlem, now run by children and grandchildren. She ran the restaurant until she retired at 80. She wrote Sylvia's Soul Food and Sylvia's Family Soul Food Cookbook (with Christopher Styler and Melissa Clark, respectively), and is known as the Queen of Soul Food. She died at 86; her memorial service was two hours long.

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Banana Bread Day is February 23rd. Hands-down the best use of overripe bananas, it was one of the first quick breads I ever learned to make. Here's a recipe for it that I found in my grandmother's box. There's no date and no indication of what she tore that recipe from, unfortunately. (Not every piece will lead to historical information; some clues are dead ends.)

Available at Amazon.

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