Wednesday, February 19, 2014

National Chocolate Mint Day - Feb. 19th; Sanura Weathers

Sanura Weathers
Award-winning food blogger Weathers may not have the specialized training of some of the African Americans profiled this month, but she certainly has the passion. In addition to the blog My Life Runs On Food, she also created Kwanzaa Culinarians, a collaborative blog celebrating Kwanzaa with recipes and stories.

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February 19th is Chocolate Mint Day! During the Christmas season, I buy the little mini candy canes, and then pulverize them in small batches in my food processor. That gets put into a little shaker bottle and I can use that to add to my hot cocoa, or make a peppermint mocha that's much better than something commercially purchased (not to mention cheaper!). I keep the candy canes that are still whole in their original wrappers and in a zip-top bag in my pantry. So long as they stay dry, they will keep for a good long time. However, it's best to do that in small batches, because humidity will turn that little jar into a sticky block of mostly-fused peppermint mess.

Available at Amazon.

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