Wednesday, January 1, 2014

National Bloody Mary Day - January 1st

Every day has a reason to celebrate, right? I'm going to try and share the relevant ones here, with tips or recipes from our family cookbook, and odd facts I've picked up along the way.

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January 1st is Bloody Mary Day, which seems like an odd way to start the new year to me, but it's a popular "hair of the dog" hangover cure. (The only real cure for a hangover is plenty of water. Most of the discomfort after overindulging is from dehydration.)

Bloody Marys are fairly complicated cocktails with a ton of variations, but have a fairly simple foundation: vodka, tomato juice, and lemon juice. Its history is disputed, with several claimants to its invention. The International Bartenders Association has an official recipe.

You can include in your family's cookbook a section for beverages, and add whatever cocktail variants everyone likes to celebrate with. (I have a deadly Mai Tai recipe from my brother, very butt-kickingly delicious.)

Sunset: Oceanside, CA, with the creator of the deadly Mai Tais

Available at Amazon.

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